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When the first Minion saw Shinobu on his first visit to the Shrine for a few days at the event of Kabukimonogatari he left the sanctuary and thus Yotsugi missed him on his mission to take care of him.. Kaiki discovered some suspicious information such as those Nadeko only had Images taken without friends and her parents seemingly curious about her cause disappeared never opened the Nadeko closet when she asked for it.. Koyomi finds that not only Yotsugi can see Mayoi but both Yotsugi and Yozuru know about his circumstances and his friends.. Rouken reveals that because of her game and her personality her companions never went very often why it surprised her when his opponent did.. Formerly Koyomi picture message Tsubasa sends him to Tsubasa Tiger and Gaen informs him that Tsubasa and Hitagi life is threatened by Tiger Kako urging him to lose not save them while Koyomi sends Suruga forward instead.. Along the way he has met with Yotsugi saying that like him and Mayoi she died immediately while Koyomi was turned into immortal and Mayoi was a ghost she was revived by Yuzuru as a shikigami to serve her.. It the beginning of the second semester and on the way to the first school day Tsubasa has briefly met Mayoi revealed that she has just come from Koyomos house as she forgot her again but could not get it that he was not already home.. Epi 6 - Suruga Monkey - Part 1 9 years ago Suruga Kanbaru a star school that has led a national basketball team begins to explain her opperclassman Koyomi agi.. Yotsugi informs Koyomi that he can still use his blood to feed Shinobu but he should not do it too often and not to point he gets some power.. After leaving Karen on Suruga Koyomi Mayoi meets to return home approaching a girl who presents herself as Yotsugi Ononoki praying the same directions just as Yozuru had predicted and much to wonder.. Issue 9 - Nadeko Snake - Part 1 9 years ago Meme Oshino has given the Koyomi agi mission to go to the abandoned temple top of the town on the outskirts of town and put Talisman on the main weekend.